Rejoice in the strange and the ordinary in this contemplative collection of poetry from the celebrated author of Fahrenheit 451. One of the most well-known figures in modern fantasy and science fiction, often credited for heralding the genre into the mainstream, Ray Bradbury delights readers time and time again with writing that pushes the boundaries of reality. In this outstanding collection, Bradbury delivers poem after poem full of hope, fear, philosophy and faith. As in his work of speculative fiction, Bradbury’s unique perspective on humanity graces every page. From technology to Ty Cobb, strawberry shortcake and death, this selection delivers some of Bradbury’s best. Some of his most beloved poetry, including “They Have Not Seen the Stars,” “This Attic Where the Meadow Greens,” “There Are No Ghosts in Catholic Spain,” “Farewell Summer,” “Once the Years Were Numerous and the Funerals Few,” “Doing Is Being,” and “We Are The Reliquaries of Lost Time,” is featured. Humorous, thoughtful, and every bit as out of this world as readers have come to expect from the legend, this is a must-have for collectors and new readers alike.“Let us now praise Ray Bradbury, the uncrowned poet laureate of science fiction.”—The Times